Satellite earth stations
Information for operating satellite earth stations
EA frequency assignment allowing the use of frequencies is required before transmitting. Satellite earth stations can be operated to provide voice and/or data communications via telecommunications satellites. Under section 91(5) of the German Telecommunications Act (TKG), a frequency assignment may be issued for an earth station providing that:
- the frequencies are designated for satellite service in the Frequency Plan;
- national and, if necessary, international frequency coordination for the satellite earth station have been successfully completed;
- the satellite system for the planned frequency use has been coordinated at international level;
- efficient and interference-free frequency use is ensured.
Frequency assignments are subject to a one-off fee (Bundesnetzagentur’s special ordinance on fees for frequency assignments (BNetzA BGebV FreqZut)) and annual contributions (Bundesnetzagentur’s ordinance on the protection of interference-free frequency use (FSBeitrV))
Gebühren (fees) und Beiträge (annual contributions) only available in German.
The capacity required for transmission must be arranged with the satellite operator. Frequency assignment holders are free to choose with which satellite operator capacity is booked with. Receive-only satellite earth stations do not require a frequency assignment.
Department 223 is responsible for frequency assignments in satellite communications and any enquiries.
Application and guidance
The application for a satellite earth station can be filed informally. For a complete application, please find the appropriate application form below.
Application for satellite earth stations using the C-band
The frequency in the C-band at 3400 - 3800 MHz were previously allocated to the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and used by satellite earth stations to receive satellite signals.
3400 – 3600 MHz
The 3400 - 3600 MHz band is no longer designated in the Frequency Plan for use by the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth). No new usages of frequencies in this band by the service will be coordinated.
3600 – 3800 MHz
The 3600 - 3800 MHz band will be available to the fixed-satellite service on a restricted basis following the introduction of MFCN (mobile/fixed communications networks) applications. Existing coordinated receiving earth stations will be protected. New usages will be possible in individual cases, in particular at existing sites.
Operators of existing earth stations can apply for coordination for reception in the 3600 - 3800 MHz band. Applicants must give reasons why it is necessary to use frequencies in this band and why frequencies in higher bands, for instance at 3800 - 4200 MHz, cannot be used. If the reasons given are conclusive and the frequencies are not being used by MFCN assignment holders, usage will be coordinated.
This translation is for information purposes only.
Section 223 (Satellite Service)
Canisiusstraße 21
55122 Mainz
phone: +49 6131 18 - 0