Flex­i­ble GSM ("re­farm­ing")

Consultation on the flexibility of GSM spectrum rights ( "refarming" 900/1800 MHz)

The Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency), hereinafter called BNetzA, intends to create a more flexible environment for frequency usage rights in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands. For this purpose a concept for facilitating the flexibility of frequency usage rights in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands (hereinafter called “the concept” or "K 9|18“) is to be prepared. This concept will determine the specific implementation measures required for more flexibility within the framework of an integrative planning approach, due regard being given to the regulatory aims defined in section 2(2) of the Telecommunications Act (TKG).

The key elements of the discussion paper raised under B. are published for consultation. Responses are requested in writing and in German by 19 January 2009 to

Referat 212
Tulpenfeld 4
53113 Bonn

Please send your comments by e-mail as a Word or pdf file (copying and printing should be admitted) to E-Mail: Öffnet E-Mail_Feld

The original comments will be published on BNetzA’s web site. Parties submitting comments are therefore kindly requested to agree to publication and submit a version in which trade and operating secrets have been blacked out.

It is planned to evaluate the comments submitted and to publish, early in 2009, a draft concept for facilitating the flexibility of frequency usage rights in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands based on the results of public consultation for presentation at a public hearing. Following the evaluation of the comments (on the draft) and based on the outcome of the public hearing a final version of the above concept will be published in the summer of 2009.

K 9|18 Discussion paper (pdf / 113 KB)

Date of modification:  2008.12.22
