Mo­bile Broad­band - Project 2018

5G Auction


On 2 August 2019, the Bundesnetzagentur decided on the allotment of the frequency blocks auctioned off in Mainz.

The latest spectrum auction, held in Mainz, contained 41 frequency blocks from the 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz bands.

The frequency blocks were mostly auctioned in an abstract manner with regard to their location in the spectrum. Only the top and bottom blocks in the 3.6 GHz band were auctioned off specifically.
Following the conclusion of the auction and the presentation of the award notices, the abstract blocks acquired have now been allotted specifically in accordance with the procedure detailed in the President's Chamber decision of 26 November 2018 (BK1-17/001, subsection IV.4.2).

The following allotments have been made:

In the 2 GHz-Band

Zuordnung im Bereich bei 2 GHz

In the 3,6 GHz-Band

Zuordnung im Bereich bei 3,6 GHz

Spectrum diagram after the auction

Spectrum diagram in the areas 700 MHz to 3,8 GHz (png / 352 KB)

The auction was held as an open, ascending, simultaneous multiround auction.

Frequency auction

The auction for the spectrum available in the 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz bands took place from 19 March 2019 to 12 June 2019. Four companies participated in the auction: Drillisch Netz AG, Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG, Telekom Deutschland GmbH and Vodafone GmbH. All participants successfully bid on spectrum.

The auction ended after 497 bidding rounds with total proceeds of €6,549,651,000.

The results per company as follows:

Drillisch Netz AGTelefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHGTelekom Deutschland GmbHVodafone GmbH
2 GHz2 x 10 MHz2 x 10 MHz2 x 20 MHz2 x 20 MHz
3.6 GHz50 MHz70 MHz90 MHz90 MHz
Total70 MHz90 MHz130 MHz130 MHz

Previous procedures

The digital revolution is making rapid progress. This is accompanied by a growing demand for high data rates from increasingly mobile consumers. Suitable spectrum for future-proof digital infrastructures is to be provided to the market players at an early stage and in line with demand.

The President's Chamber of the Bundesnetzagentur is ordering that auction proceedings be conducted for the 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz bands on account of the predicted scarcity of spectrum. The intention is to make available, for nationwide use, 2 x 60 MHz (paired) from the 2 GHz band and 300 MHz (unpaired) from the 3.6 GHz band in an auction.

On 14 May 2018, the President's Chamber ordered that the assignment of spectrum for wireless access in the 2 GHz band and in the 3.6 GHz band is to be preceded by award proceedings in the form of an auction (Decisions I & II). On 26 November 2018, the President's Chamber of the Bundesnetzagentur determined the award rules and auction rules (Decisions III & IV).

5G award - decisions I & II of 24 October 2018 (pdf / 526 KB)
5G award - decisions III & IV of 26 November 2018 (pdf / 4 MB)

Previous documents and consultation responses:

The Bundesnetzagentur first published its "Frequenz-Kompass" document in July 2016 to identify areas for regulatory action on the provision of spectrum, in conformity with demand, for the introduction of the fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) and the rollout of digital infrastructures. The Bundesnetzagentur then published its more detailed Points of Orientation for consultation in December 2016. Based on the views submitted, the Bundesnetzagentur drew up and published key elements and at the same time initiated the formal demand identification proceedings for nationwide assignments in the bands at 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz. Based on the views submitted on the key elements paper and the spectrum requirements notified, the Bundesnetzagentur published a draft President's Chamber decision on the order for and choice of award proceedings in January 2018. In July 2018, the Bundesnetzagentur discussed in an oral hearing the main aspects of spectrum regulation, in particular award rules. The draft award rules and draft auction rules were published in September 2018. In particular, this drafts covered the topics of coverage obligation, service provider regulation and national roaming.

Draft Consultation - Award of 2 GHz & 3.6 GHz Bands (pdf / 300 KB)
Information - 5G Award (pdf / 50 KB)
Responses are available only in German: Stellungnahmen zum Konsultationsentwurf (zip / 34 MB)

Key Elements and Identification of Demand (pdf / 278 KB)
Responses are available only in German: Stellungnahmen zu den Eckpunkten (zip / 40 MB)

Points Of Orientation (pdf / 1 MB)
Responses are available only in German: Stellungnahmen zu den Orientierungspunkten - Auktion 2019 (ZIP / 37 MB)

Frequenz Kompass (pdf / 305 KB)
Responses are available only in German: Stellungnahmen zum Frequenz-Kompass - Auktion 2019 (ZIP / 14 MB)
