
The Bundesnetzagentur is responsible for technical spectrum management tasks, assigning spectrum to transmitter operators and ensuring interference-free spectrum use in accordance with the provisions of the Telecommunications Act (TKG). The Bundesnetzagentur's responsibilities include implementing the federal states' broadcasting coverage requirements in accordance with section 96(1) sentence 3 TKG, taking into account the interests of the broadcasting service.

Use of spectrum for broadcasting within the federal states' jurisdiction

Responsibility for broadcasting in Germany is divided between the federal government and the federal states.

The federal states are responsible for the content transmitted using the spectrum and for supervising the broadcasters. The federal states' work is based on their own individual laws and interstate agreements.

Telecommunications and broadcasting procedures must be followed before programmes can be broadcast. The Interstate Agreement on Media Services (MDStV) requires private broadcasters to be licensed under the applicable federal state laws before they can begin broadcasting. The state media authorities ( are responsible for licensing and monitoring private broadcasting companies and can provide details of the exact procedures to be followed in their region. 

The state media authority responsible notifies the Bundesnetzagentur of the broadcasting coverage requirements.

Further details of the telecommunications procedures are set out in the administrative rules for spectrum assignments for the broadcasting service (VV RuFu (pdf / 183 KB)).

Other options for broadcasting programmes

Please contact your regional media authority if you have any questions about broadcasting your licensed programmes via cable or satellite.

Other possible usages

Section 91(1) sentence 1 TKG states that each spectrum usage requires a prior spectrum assignment unless the TKG stipulates otherwise. Spectrum can be assigned, providing the spectrum has been allocated in the spectrum plan for the intended purpose, the spectrum is available and the usage is compatible with other spectrum usages.

The TKG allows spectrum allocated to the broadcasting service to be used for other purposes as well, for example for events or within property boundaries. Further details are set out in the administrative rules for spectrum assignments for the broadcasting service (VVRuFu).

National and sometimes international spectrum coordination is necessary to prevent technical interference with other spectrum usages.

The Bundesnetzagentur holds data on the transmitters in Germany for which usage rights have been or are in the process of being coordinated. The data are regularly updated and available for download.

Additional data are accessible to members of a closed user group. Access to the group can be requested as described here:

Informationsblatt und Antrag zur Aufnahme in die GBG-Rundfunksenderdaten (pdf / 85 KB)
Nutzungsbestimmungen Extranet (pdf / 97 KB)

In the national coordination process, the transmitter data are provided in XML format. A description of the format is available here

neues Datenformat (zip / 3 KB)

Fees and charges

Fees and charges are payable for the Bundesnetzagentur's official acts in accordance with section 223 et seq TKG. The most recent versions of the relevant ordinances are available on the Bundesnetzagentur's website Gebühren und Beiträge.

Contact points

Further information or assistance is available from the Bundesnetzagentur's broadcasting section (222) or regional service centres responsible for broadcasting (DLZ 5) Liste der Ansprechpartner

If you have any questions about low frequency (LF), medium frequency (MF) or high frequency (HF) broadcasting, please first write to the following email address:

Additional downloads

Antrag auf Zuteilung einer UKW-Frequenz (pdf / 19 KB)
Anlage „Erklärung zur Fachkunde, Leistungsfähigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit“ (pdf / 45 KB)
Anlage „Kennzeichnende Merkmale“ zum Antrag auf Zuteilung einer UKW-Frequenz (pdf / 29 KB)
Modellbeschreibung zur Koordinierung Rundfunk/Flugfunk (pdf / 2 MB)
Datensatzkenner (zip / 12 KB)
Format UKW (zip / 9 KB)
Format DVB-T (zip / 10 KB)
Format T-DAB (zip / 29 KB)
UKW 14.10.2024 (zip / 1 MB)
DVB-T 14.10.2024 (zip / 457 KB)
TDAB 14.10.2024 (zip / 489 KB)
