Amateur Radio
Legal Basis for Amateur Radio in Germany
Amateur Radio Act (pdf / 132 KB)
Ordinance Concerning the Amateur Radio Act, pdf
Radio Amateurs Visiting Germany
Holders of a CEPT radio amateur licence pursuant to CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01 are permitted to operate an amateur station in Germany during temporary stays for a period of up to three months. The operating privileges granted hereto are those of the German class A according to Annex 1 of the Ordinance Concerning the Amateur Radio Act. When transmitting the licence holder must use his national call sign preceded by the call sign prefix "DL". The call sign prefix and the national call sign must be separated by the character "/" (telegraphy) or the word "stroke" (telephony). An identification in accordance with this rule is also necessary when using digital modes.
Holders of a CEPT novice radio amateur licence pursuant to ECC Recommendation (05)06 are also permitted to operate an amateur station in Germany during temporary stays for a period of up to three months. The operating privileges granted hereto are those of the German class E according to Annex 1 of the Ordinance Concerning the Amateur Radio Act. When transmitting the licence holder must use his national call sign preceded by the call sign prefix "DO". The call sign prefix and the national call sign must be separated by the character "/" (telegraphy) or the word "stroke" (telephony). An identification in accordance with this rule is also necessary when using digital modes.
The CEPT radio amateur licence according to the T/R 61-01 and the CEPT novice radio amateur licence according to the (05)06 are valid for non-residents in Germany only.
Radio amateurs to which neither the T/R 61-01 nor the (05)06 applies, who are non-residents in Germany and who do not hold a permanent German admission to participation in the amateur service, can obtain a temporary admission to participation in the amateur service in Germany. For further details please see the following application form:
Application Form for a 3-Month Temporary Admission, pdf
Admissions to Participation in the Amateur Service for Radio Amateurs Resident in Germany
For further details please see the following application form:
Further Regulations
Conditions of use for the frequency band 50.08 – 51.00 MHz (pdf / 18 KB)
Operational notice form 50 MHz (pdf / 20 KB)
Conditions of use for the frequency bands above 444 GHz (pdf / 10 KB)
Call sign plan for the amateur service in Germany (pdf / 23 KB)