It was a mixed year for the railway industry in 2014: Revenues of companies in the railways market rose moderately to a new record level of €19bn. However, growth in transport services was only reported in rail freight traffic. As regards the passenger rail service, there was a decline in traffic volume. This is the conclusion of the Railway Market Analysis 2015, which is now available as a download on the Bundesnetzagentur's web site. The same as last year, the Bundesnetzagentur has published the "Railway Market Analysis 2015" with findings and analyses taken from the market survey it carried out in 2014. The latest analysis shows that in 2014 most railway undertakings reported a positive operating result.
Revenues in the railway transport market as a whole increased by 1.6 percent. This increase was due to revenue growth in short-distance passenger rail transport and in rail freight traffic, in contrast, however, revenues from long-distance passenger rail transport remained steady. Infrastructure operators achieved total sales revenue in 2014 of €5.8bn from usage charges, up 3.6 percent.
Competitors to Deutsche Bahn companies for rail freight traffic were able to increase their market share in transport services from 33 percent in 2013 to 36 percent in 2014. While the competitors' share remained steady at 19 percent in short-distance passenger rail transport, in long-distance passenger rail transport it continued to fall significantly below one per cent. The operating performance on the public rail network rose from 1,056bn train path kilometres in 2013 to 1,064bn train path kilometres in 2014.
The charges due for the use of the railway infrastructure, which make up a significant portion of the total costs of a railway undertaking, increased once again in 2014. Overall, the rail freight traffic companies had to pay about 17 percent of their revenue, the long-distance passenger rail transport companies about 24 percent of their revenue and the short-distance passenger rail transport companies about 38 percent of their revenue in infrastructure charges.
Railways Market Analysis 2015 (PDF / 7 MB)