North Sea-Baltic Cor­ri­dor

Bundesnetzagentur is responsible for handling complaints from applicants about C-OSS decisions on the cross-border rail freight corridor North Sea – Baltic (Bremerhaven/Rotterdam/AntwerpenAachen/Berlin – Warsaw – Terespol (Poland-Belarus border) / Kaunas) and other complaints on the corridor relating to the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. The C-OSS is situated in Frankfurt at the DB Netz AG.

A complaint can be lodged in principle in any language and with the regulatory body of any Member State through which the international train path runs. However, if a complaint to Bundesnetzagentur is lodged in a language other than German, it should be accompanied by an English translation. The English version is needed for the necessary communication and coordination with all parties concerned with the corridor. If a translation is not provided and the complaint then has to be translated by the Bundesnetzagentur, any resulting costs and delays will be to the detriment of the complainant.

Complaints should be sent to the Bundesnetzagentur electronically at Submitting a complaint in a letter is also possible.

Complaints on the corridor that do not relate to cross-border issues or to the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany can be sent to the national regulatory body concerned. The contact details of all regulatory bodies of the corridor are listed below.

More detailed information on the complaints procedure can be found in the Cooperation Agreement concluded that Bundesnetzagentur has concluded with the regulatory bodies of Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland.

Cooperation Agreement Nordsee-Ostsee-Korridor (pdf / 1 MB)

Contacting Bundesnetzagentur

Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen
Tulpenfeld 4
53113 Bonn

Tel: 0049 228 14 7030
Fax: 0049 228 14 6218

E-Mail for RFC:

Contacting the other national regulatory bodies of North Sea – Baltic Corridor

Belgien / Belgium

Service de Régulation du Transport ferroviaire et de l’Exploitation de l’Aéroport de Bruxelles-National, CCN
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 boîte 72
1000 Bruxelles

Phone: 0032 2 2 77 45 25


Niederlande / Netherlands

The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM)
Muzenstraat 41
2511 WB The Hague
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31-70-722-2817

Polen / Poland

Office of Rail Transport
Al. Jerozolimskie 134
02-305 Warszawa

Phone: 0048 22 749 14 00
Fax: 0048 22 749 14 01


Tschechische Republik / Czech Republic

The Rail Authority Drážní úřad
Wilsonova 300/8
CZ-121 06 Prague 2

Phone: 0042 0 224 229 937
Fax: 0042 0 972 241 831


Litauen / Lithuania

Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania
Mortos Str. 14
LT-03219 Vilnius

Phone: +370 5 210 5633


Date of modification:  2016.11.07
