The request must be submitted to the Bundesnetzagentur by electronic or postal mail:
Charge approval requests must be made no later than six months before the deadline for a train path order for the working timetable as per section 46(1) of the German Rail Regulation Act (Eisenbahnregulierungsgesetz – ERegG). As set out in section 51(1) sentence 2 ERegG that deadline is the second Monday in April at 12am.
In this context, please note that you must indicate the train path order deadline in accordance with Annex 3 para 3 sentence 3 to the ERegG in your network statement.
If the network statement (including charges) is amended or revised, a draft for comment (one-month period) in synoptic form (amendment mode) with the relevant justifications must be published on the website at least seven months before expiry of the train path order deadline in accordance with section 19(2) of the ERegG.