Gen­er­al guide­lines for op­er­a­tors of pas­sen­ger sta­tions and pas­sen­ger plat­forms

Step 1
Charge approval request

The request must be submitted to the Bundesnetzagentur by electronic or postal mail:
Postal address:Bundesnetzagentur
Beschlusskammer 10
Tulpenfeld 4
53113 Bonn

Charge approval requests for passenger stations (pursuant to section 46(1) ERegG) and for passenger platforms (pursuant to section 31a(2) sentence 3 in conjunction with section 46(1) ERegG) must be made no later than six months before the deadline set in the network statement for submitting requests for usage.

Step 2
Attach the following documents

The following documents are to be submitted with the charge approval request:

  • The proposed charges.
  • Any comments from access beneficiaries about the proposed charges.
  • A statement that the proposed charges comply with the requirements of the ERegG, for example by submitting a calculation with a forecast of the annual costs, volume of services and annual turnover; plus,
  • immediately after submitting the charge approval request, submit a copy of the supporting documents that were stated in your request letter to contain trade and business secrets but this time with the confidential parts redacted (blacked out) to enable the parties concerned to inspect the documents. Provide an explanation for each item that is redacted. If no such statement is made or if a redacted copy is not immediately submitted, the Bundesnetzagentur generally assumes that a document does not contain trade and business secrets.

Step 3
Optional request for a public hearing

On application from a party or ex officio, the ruling chamber can conduct a public hearing pursuant to section 77(6) sentence 3 ERegG. A public hearing is not a standard element of a charge approval procedure.

Step 4
Examination by the Bundesnetzagentur for compliance with charging standards

The Bundesnetzagentur examines whether the charges and charging principles submitted comply with rail regulation requirements, in particular whether the charging standard in force at the time was complied with.

Step 5
Attach redacted versions of documents

For the purposes of closer examination it may be necessary to exchange other documents and comments in the course of the procedure. Any additional document in the procedure that contains trade and business secrets must therefore also be submitted as a redacted version. Step 2 applies accordingly.

Step 6
If applicable, notification pursuant to section 72 sentence 1 para 5 ERegG

If not only the charges but also the charging principles are to be modified, then these are considered amendments to the network statement. In this case a notification procedure pursuant to section 72 sentence 1 para 5 and section 73(1) para 4 ERegG is to be completed in addition to the charge approval procedure.
