Safe­guard­ing postal services

Provisions to safeguard postal services

To obtain priority access to postal services in accordance with the Postal Safeguarding Act (Postsicherstellungsgesetz/PSG), postal customers without priority access as set out in section 2(2) sentence 1 paras 1 to 5 PSG must have a certificate indicating that they perform tasks that are vital or defence-related and that they are dependent on postal services under section 2(1) sentence 1 PSG.

The certificate must be issued by a competent authority as per section 2(2) sentence 1 para 2 PSG and confirm that this customer performs tasks that are vital or defence-related and that they are dependent on postal services under section 2(1) PSG.

On the basis of this certificate, which in the future will serve as valid proof of postal priority access vis-à-vis the postal operator used, these customers can make use of priority access to postal services under section 2(1) PSG in the cases specified in the PSG.

The certificate automatically loses its validity 10 years after its date of issue if no shorter period of validity is indicated.


Section 318
Bundesnetzagentur, Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

