Se­cu­ri­ty Plat­form Gas

The Security Platform Gas is intended to support the federal load distributor in its task of increasing efficiency. It provides a differentiated perspective of major gas customers as well as enabling solidarity. It went live on 29 September 2022.

Event for Member States

On 27 October 2022 a second information session on the Security Platform Gas took place. During this event aspects of market-based and non-market-based solidarity in accordance with the gas security of supply (SoS) Regulation were discussed. Both market-based and non-market based solidarity measures are to be achieved with the help of the Security Platform Gas.

Event for Balancing Group Managers

A kick-off meeting for the Security Platform Gas was hosted on 6 October 2022. In particular, the Balancing Group Managers received information about the platform itself and about the registration process.
