Net­work de­vel­op­ment plan­ning

The main challenges for the German networks in network development planning over the next few years are the completed nuclear phase-out and the future phase-out of coal, the ambitious expansion targets for renewables, the upcoming transformation from a natural gas network to a hydrogen network and the maintenance of a high level of security of supply for both electricity and gas.

For this purpose the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) requires electricity transmission system operators (TSOs), gas TSOs and regulated hydrogen transmission network operators to prepare network development plans.

A plan must include all effective measures for needs-based, efficient optimisation, for reinforcement and expansion of the networks required for safe and reliable network operation by the end of the respective reference periods and for reaching the goal of climate neutrality in 2045.

The overarching transformation of the energy system includes network development planning for electricity, gas and hydrogen that will be more closely coordinated in the future. However, they remain two independent planning procedures.

The network development planning process

The network development planning process

The Bundesnetzagentur plays a decisive role in this process. It closely coordinates with the electricity transmission system operators and the coordination office for the gas and hydrogen network development planning and reviews the scenario framework and the network development plan (NDP) created by the network operators.

The Bundesnetzagentur plays a decisive role in this process. It closely coordinates with the electricity TSOs and the Coordination Office for the gas and hydrogen network development planning and reviews the scenario framework and the network development plan (NDP) created by the network operators.

Scenario framework

The TSOs submit the draft scenario framework for electricity and the Coordination Office for gas and hydrogen network development planning submits the draft scenario framework for gas/hydrogen to the Bundesnetzagentur no later than 30 June of every even-numbered year.

The network operators submitted the draft scenario framework for electricity and gas/hydrogen 2025-2037/2045 to the Bundesnetzagentur for approval in due time on 30 June 2024.


Current scenario framework for electricity (in German)
Kraftwerksliste zum Szenariorahmen Strom (xlsx / 137 KB)


Draft Scenario Framework Gas and Hydrogen 2025-2037/2045 (PDF / 6 MB)

Anlage 2: Ergebnisse der Marktabfrage für Wasserstoffprojekte, inkl. Power-to-Gas-Anlagen (xlsx / 1 MB)
Anlage 3: Gaskraftwerksliste (xlsx / 181 KB)
Anlage 4: Langfristprognosen für Wasserstoff sowie methanreduzierende Meldungen der Verteilernetzbetreiber (xlsx / 258 KB)

Joint consultation

The Bundesnetzagentur is conducting a joint consultation on both the electricity and the gas/hydrogen scenario frameworks from 2 to 30 September 2024.

For the first time, the electricity scenario framework will be consulted simultaneously with the gas and hydrogen scenario framework.

Online information sessions on 13 and 16 September 2024

The consultations to be conducted by the Bundesnetzagentur will be accompanied by joint online information sessions on the draft scenarios for electricity and gas/hydrogen 2025/2037-2045.


The Bundesnetzagentur takes into account responses received when approving the scenario frameworks for electricity and gas/hydrogen. The responses will be published on the Bundesnetzagentur's website. For comments from authorities this applies unless there is an express objection to publication; for the other comments it applies if full publication is expressly approved.

Ongoing network development plans
