Ex­pand­ing and trans­form­ing the gas trans­mis­sion and hy­dro­gen trans­port net­works

The network development plan (NDP) and the scenario framework that underlies it are the main components of the rolling network development process.

Network development planning for gas and hydrogen

The Energy Industry Act (EnWG) requires the gas transmission system operators (gas TSOs) and the regulated operators of hydrogen transmission networks to draw up a joint nationwide network development plan (NDP) for gas and hydrogen every two years.

The plan must include all effective measures for the needs-based and efficient optimisation, reinforcement and expansion of the networks required for safe and reliable network operation by the end of the respective reference periods.

The reference periods last between 10 and 15 years. The implementation of the federal government's climate policy objectives and security of supply must be taken into account.

Legal basis: sections 15a et seq EnWG

Phase 1: Scenario framework

At the beginning of the process the TSOs and the regulated hydrogen transmission network operators work together to design a scenario framework.

They have to come up with at least three scenarios that reflect the likely developments in the gas and hydrogen sector within the framework of the federal government's climate and energy policy objectives for the next 10 to 15 years.

Assumptions are made in this process regarding such things as:

  • the development of gas and hydrogen production, generation, supply and consumption;
  • planned investment in the networks and storage facilities;
  • possible supply disruptions.

Three more scenarios must look at the year 2045 and show a range of probable developments that are aligned with the federal government's legally defined objectives and other climate and energy policy goals.

  1. Submitting the scenario framework to the Coordination Office

    The TSOs and regulated operators of hydrogen transmission networks submit the draft scenario framework to the Coordination Office, which then submits the draft to the Bundesnetzagentur no later than 30 June of every even-numbered year for approval.

  2. Consultation by the Bundesnetzagentur

    The Bundesnetzagentur gives the public (including actual or potential system users and affected network operators) the opportunity to comment prior to approval.

  3. Approval by the Bundesnetzagentur

    The Bundesnetzagentur assesses and approves the scenario framework, taking account of the responses to the public consultation.

Phase 2: Network Development Plan

Next, the NDP itself is developed: the gas TSOs and the regulated hydrogen transmission network operators use the scenario framework to model the network expansion requirements for the next 10 to 15 years.

The resulting model includes all effective measures for the needs-based and efficient optimisation, reinforcement and expansion of the networks required for safe and reliable network operation in the respective reference periods. Converting existing pipeline infrastructure to hydrogen takes priority over building new pipelines.

In coordination with the gas distribution system operators, operators of hydrogen network other than transmission networks and operators of other pipeline infrastructure that can be converted to hydrogen, the gas TSOs and the regulated hydrogen transmission network operators propose one or more undertakings to be responsible for implementing each measure.

  1. Submitting the NDP to the Coordination Office

    In every odd-numbered calendar year the gas TSOs and the regulated hydrogen transmission network operators draw up a draft NDP and submit it to the Coordination Office.

  2. Public consultation

    Until 31 May in each odd-numbered calendar year the Coordination Office gives the public the opportunity to comment on the draft NDP before it is submitted to the Bundesnetzagentur. The necessary information is provided (in German) on the website of the Coordination Office for Integrated Gas and Hydrogen Network Development Planning.

  3. Submitting the revised draft NDP to the Bundesnetzagentur

    Following the consultation the draft NDP is revised. The Coordination Office then submits the revised draft NDP to the Bundesnetzagentur for confirmation immediately upon completion but no later than 10 months after approval of the scenario framework.

  4. Second public consultation and confirmation

    Taking into account the responses from the public, the Bundesnetzagentur then reviews the revised draft and confirms it no later than 30 June of every even-numbered calendar year.

Coordination Office for the gas and hydrogen NDP

The EnWG requires a coordination office, which has been set up by the gas TSOs and the regulated operators of hydrogen transmission networks.

The office performs the following tasks:

  • coordinating the development of the scenario framework in accordance with section 15b(1) EnWG;
  • submitting the draft scenario framework pursuant to section 15b(4) sentence 1 EnWG for approval by the Bundesnetzagentur;
  • coordinating the creation of the gas and hydrogen NDP according to section 15c(1) EnWG;
  • submitting the draft NDP pursuant to section 15c(5) sentence 1 EnWG for confirmation by the Bundesnetzagentur.

Additionally, the network code on capacity allocation mechanisms (CAM NC) specifies an incremental capacity process for the market-based determination of the demand for and, if necessary, creation of additional capacity at cross-border interconnection points. The TSOs use the results of the process as a sound basis for determining the demand for network expansion.


Gas Network Development Plans 2012-2022

The scenario frameworks, consultation results, implementation reports, requests for amendment and binding Gas NDPs from 2012 to 2022 may be found at the following links:

Gas Network Development Plan 2022
Gas Network Development Plan 2020

German language only:
Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2018
Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2016
Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2015
Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2014
Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2013
Netzentwicklungsplan Gas 2012
