Expanding and transforming the gas transmission and hydrogen transport networks
The network development plan (NDP) and the scenario framework that underlies it are the main components of the rolling network development process.
Network development planning for gas and hydrogen
The Energy Industry Act (EnWG) requires the gas transmission system operators (gas TSOs) and the regulated operators of hydrogen transmission networks to draw up a joint nationwide network development plan (NDP) for gas and hydrogen every two years.
Phase 1: Scenario framework
Phase 2: Network Development Plan
Coordination Office for the gas and hydrogen NDP
The EnWG requires a coordination office, which has been set up by the gas TSOs and the regulated operators of hydrogen transmission networks.
The office performs the following tasks:
- coordinating the development of the scenario framework in accordance with section 15b(1) EnWG;
- submitting the draft scenario framework pursuant to section 15b(4) sentence 1 EnWG for approval by the Bundesnetzagentur;
- coordinating the creation of the gas and hydrogen NDP according to section 15c(1) EnWG;
- submitting the draft NDP pursuant to section 15c(5) sentence 1 EnWG for confirmation by the Bundesnetzagentur.
Additionally, the network code on capacity allocation mechanisms (CAM NC) specifies an incremental capacity process for the market-based determination of the demand for and, if necessary, creation of additional capacity at cross-border interconnection points. The TSOs use the results of the process as a sound basis for determining the demand for network expansion.