Gas Net­work De­vel­op­ment Plan 2020-2030

Information on the development of the German transmission system will be published during the relevant stage of the network development planning process, broken down into planning assumptions, network expansion and details on the current state of implementation.

In accordance with section 15a of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG), the infrastructure plan must include all measures that are effective and necessary for secure and reliable network operation in the next ten years.

These include all measures for enhancing, reinforcing and expanding the network in line with requirements and for ensuring security of supply.

Request for amendment

Under section 15a(3) sentence 5 of the EnWG the Bundesnetzagentur can request the TSOs to amend the draft NDP within three months of publishing the consultation results.

On 19 March 2021 the Bundesnetzagentur made use of this option and submitted a request for amendment to the TSOs.

With a total of 175 measures and an investment volume of 7.83bn Euro the request for amendment confirms most of the measures proposed by the TSOs.

However, since hydrogen infrastructure does not fall within the scope of section 15a of the EnWG, it cannot be included in the binding part of the Gas NDP and thus cannot be taken into account.

Other confirmed measures cover the

  • planned LNG facilities,
  • expansion measures required for green gases (green gas variant),
  • supply in Baden-Württemberg (design variant for Baden-Württemberg) and
  • security of supply in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Italy.

The publication of the request for amendment places an obligation on the TSOs to incorporate the changes issued into the existing network development plan within the next three months.

Consultation of the draft

Following the submission of the draft NDP 2020-2030 by the transmission system operators (TSOs), the Bundesnetzagentur launched a consultation of all actual and potential network users on 10 July 2020.

Public online workshop

As part of the consultation process, the Bundesnetzagentur held an online, public workshop on Wednesday, 5 August 2020.

Agenda German language only
Presentations German language only

More information about the content of the workshop can be found here.

Consultation document

On the basis of the confirmed assumptions of the scenario framework for the Gas NDP 2020-2030, the TSOs have drawn up measures to ensure the secure and reliable transport of natural gas in the next ten years. The measures were presented in the NDP consultation document and in a workshop on 13 May 2020 and the public was given the opportunity to respond. Thirty-two responses to the consultation were received:

The consultation responses were published on the TSOs' website.
