Implementation report on the Gas NDP 2020-2030
The implementation report must contain all details of the implementation status of the most recently published NDP and, in the event of delayed implementation, the main reasons for such delays.
The joint implementation report drawn up by the TSOs must include:
- Information on the progress achieved in implementing the most recently published NDP
- The main reasons for delays should implementation be behind schedule
Implementation report consultation
Ref: 4.13.01/9#1
The TSOs released their (updated) implementation report on their joint national network development plan in accordance with section section 15b of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) on 12 June 2023. The implementation report must contain all details of the implementation status of the most recently published NDP and, in the event of delayed implementation, the main reasons for such delays. This report presents the updates on the implementation of the most recent Gas NDP, for 2020-2030, as of 1 January 2023.
Pursuant to section 15b sentence 3 EnWG, the regulatory authority publishes the implementation report and gives all actual and potential network users the opportunity to comment on it.
Section 623
Postfach 8001
53105 Bonn
Please use the subject line "Implementation report 2023".
The Bundesnetzagentur intends to publish the original responses on its website. We therefore request respondents to indicate which parts contain business or trade secrets or personal data, where applicable also of third parties.
Date of modification: 2023.08.14