Net­work de­vel­op­ment plan for electricity

The Energiewende in Germany and the growth in European electricity trading mean that a major expansion of the extra-high voltage networks will be necessary over the coming years. One way in which Germany has reacted to this is with the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act (NABEG) and the Energy Act (EnWG) passed in 2011. These two Acts have given the Bundesnetzagentur an extensive range of tasks relating to grid expansion.

The purpose of the legislation is to accelerate the urgently needed expansion, at the same time widening the range of opportunities for companies, authorities and the general public to become involved. To achieve both of these aims, a process has been created that consists of various steps and is repeated each year.

One of the Bundesnetzagentur's tasks in this process is to approve the scenario framework in which the transmission system operators set out the likely developments in Germany's energy landscape.

Another task is to examine and confirm the network development plans, each listing the expansion measures needed over the next decade, and to submit these plans in the form of a draft federal requirements plan to the federal government at least every four years. The Bundesnetzagentur also assesses the environmental impact of the planned projects and follows their progress as the approval authority in the federal sectoral planning and planning approval procedures.

Further information are available in German here.
