Steps in net­work de­vel­op­ment plan­ning

The Energy Industry Act (EnWG) requires the gas transmission system operators (TSOs) to draw up a joint network development plan (NDP) covering the whole of the country in every evenly-numbered year. The plan must include all measures for enhancing, reinforcing and expanding the network in line with requirements and for guaranteeing security of supply that are effective and necessary for secure and reliable network operation in the next ten years. In the intervening years, the TSOs must submit a joint implementation report by 1 April.

1. Phase: Scenario framework

First the TSOs draw up a scenario framework. The scenarios aim to present possible developments in the gas sector over the next ten years. They take account of various factors, including assumptions about developments in gas production, supply and consumption and about planned investments in networks and storage facilities as well as possible supply interruptions.
  • Consultation by the TSOs
    Once the scenario framework has been published, the TSOs give the public and downstream operators the opportunity to comment on it. After completion of the consultation process, the TSOs submit the draft scenario framework to the Bundesnetzagentur.
  • Confirmation by the Bundesnetzagentur
    The Bundesnetzagentur assesses and confirms the scenario framework, taking account of the responses to the public consultation.

2. Phase: Network Development Plan

Next the NDP itself is developed. The TSOs use the scenario framework to model the network expansion requirements for the next ten years.
  • Consultation by the TSOs
    In the first part of the public consultation process, the TSOs give the public and downstream operators the opportunity to comment on the draft NDP before it is submitted to the Bundesnetzagentur. The necessary information is provided online.
  • Submission of the enhanced draft NDP to the Bundesnetzagentur
    The TSOs submit the enhanced draft NDP to the Bundesnetzagentur on 1 April of each evenly-numbered year. The Bundesnetzagentur holds its own consultation for all actual and potential network users and publishes the results.
  • Examination of the gas NDP and possible requests for amendment
    The Bundesnetzagentur can request the TSOs to amend the NDP within three months of publishing the consultation results. The TSOs have three months to make the amendments. The Bundesnetzagentur can decide which TSO should be responsible for implementing a certain measure in the NDP. If the Bundesnetzagentur does not request any amendments within the three-month period, the NDP becomes binding for the TSOs.

3. Phase: Implementation Report on the NDP

The TSOs submit a joint implementation report to the Bundesnetzagentur on 1 April in each calendar year that ends in an odd number.
  • Publication by the TSOs
    The TSOs must state the progress achieved in implementing the most recently published NDP. Should network expansion be behind schedule, the TSOs must give information on the main reasons for delays.
  • Assessment and consultation by the Bundesnetzagentur
    The Bundesnetzagentur reviews and publishes the implementation report and gives all potential network users a chance to submit their views.


Section 623
Gas Transmission Network Access, International Affairs, Gas Network Development, Supply Security Monitoring, EU Affairs (Gas)

Bundesnetzagentur, Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn

