Sce­nario frame­work 2020-2030

Scenario framework

The first step in the process of drawing up the gas network development plan (NDP) is the development of a scenario framework by the transmission system operators (TSOs).

The TSOs make assumptions about developments in gas production, supply and consumption as well as exchange with other countries. (pursuant to section 15a fourth sentence EnWG)

The scenario framework, published in unevenly-numbered years, includes planned investments in regional and Community-wide networks, storage facilities and LNG regasification facilities as well as possible supply interruptions.

Confirmation of the scenario framework

On 5 December 2019 the Bundesnetzagentur confirmed the scenario framework presented by the TSOs on 16 August 2019.

Confirmation of the scenario framework for the gas network development plan 2020-2030 (German only)
pursuant to section 15a(1) sentence 7 of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG)
(file ref 8615 gas NDP 2020-2030 – scenario framework confirmation)

In the next stage of the procedure, the TSOs will draw up the gas NDP based on the assumptions set out in the confirmed scenario framework

Decision in parallel to the confirmation

The Bundesnetzagentur issued the following decision pursuant to section 66(2) para 3 EnWG in parallel to its confirmation:

Publication of the consultation document

The TSOs published the consultation document on the scenario framework for the gas NDP 2020-2030 on 17 June 2019. A central topic is the future merger of the GASPOOL and NCG market areas to form a single German market area.

Stakeholders had until 12 July 2019 to state their views. The TSOs held a workshop on 1 July 2019 as an added means of dialogue with stakeholders.

The results of the consultation were published on the FNB Gas website. The scenario framework will be revised to take account of the submitted opinions and then submitted to the Bundesnetzagentur for confirmation.
