Opened auc­tion with the King­dom of Den­mark

Results of the auction

For all results of this auction please refer to the German website.

Announcement of the first opened auction with the Kingdom of Denmark

The Bundesnetzagentur hereby announces the following auction pursuant to Section 5 of the Cross-border Renewable Energy Ordinance:

Bidding Deadline

The bidding deadline is 23 November 2016.

The bidding deadline is the calendar day on which the period for submitting bids for an auction expires. Bids must have been received by the Bundesnetzagentur at its premises in Bonn before the end of the deadline. This means that the final deadline for this pilot auction round is Wednesday, 23 November 2016. Bids can be submitted until 24:00hrs on this day at the entrance to the Bundesnetzagentur, Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn.

Auction volume

The auction is held for a volume of 50 megawatts.

The auction volume shall be defined as the total installed capacity for which an entitlement to financial support is auctioned off on the day of a bidding deadline.

Maximum price

The maximum price shall be 11.09 cents/kilowatt hour.

The maximum price shall be defined as the highest price for which bids can be submitted. Any bids for prices higher than the maximum price shall be excluded from the auctioning procedure.

Minimum and maximum bid volume

The minimum bid volume shall be 100 kilowatts. The maximum bid volume shall be 10 megawatts.

Open to installations in Denmark and Germany

This auction is open to ground-mounted installations (planned) in Denmark and Germany.

No quota system

There will be no quota system or any other means of ensuring that certain shares of the successful bids go to one of the two countries.

Responsible authority (regardless of the location)

The Bundesnetzagentur is in charge of this opened auction procedure. All bids for photovoltaic installations located in Denmark or Germany must be submitted to the Bundesnetzagentur.

No site-restrictions in Denmark

As regards the eligibility for participating in the auction, there shall be no site-restrictions for ground-mounted installations built in the Kingdom of Denmark.

Definition of ground-mounted installation

All installations, including any that are built in Denmark, must be ground-mounted installations within the meaning of Section 3 No. 3 of the Cross-border Renewable Energy Ordinance.

A PV-installation that is not installed on or integrated into a building or any other edificial structure which has been primarily constructed for purposes other than the production of electricity from solar radiation energy. Multiple modules being treated as one installation irrespective of the ownership structure solely for the purpose of calculating the support level for the respective last generator put into operation if they are located on the same site, the same property or otherwise in direct proximity and have become operational within twelve successive calendar months.

Furthermore Denmark is also preparing a national auction round which will be partially open for German ground mounted PV installations. All information concerning this auction can be found here.

Security payments and fees

A security payment of €70 shall be deposited per kilowatt for which a bid is being placed. The security can be paid in conjunction with the applicable fee (€715) or be made by way of a suretyship, using the respective form.

Specified forms by the Bundesnetzagentur

Bids shall be submitted using the following forms:

Bid submission form (pdf / 1 MB)

Location form (pdf / 2 MB)

Shareholders form (pdf / 782 KB)

Bidders representative(s) form (pdf / 801 KB)

Sikkerhedsstillelse for grænseoverskridende licitationer (pdf / 583 KB),
Suretyship form (pdf / 741 KB) or in German
Formular Bürgschaft (pdf / 561 KB)

These formal requirements have to be strictly adhered to. Non-compliance with these requirements shall result in the respective bid being excluded from the auction. The relevant forms must be downloaded from the internet and be filled in electronically, using a suitable PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader (available for free download from the Adobe website). Forms that have been filled in by hand do not meet the formal requirements.

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Forms that have been published in connection with other auctions cannot be reused.

No decisions ("Festlegungen") have been made by the Bundesnetzagentur regarding this auction; nor have any formal requirements been agreed as part of the international agreement.

If applicable, the following forms must be used:

Bid withdrawal form (pdf / 918 KB)

Award returning form (pdf / 1 MB)

Financial security replacement form (pdf / 937 KB)

Payment entitlement application form (pdf / 2 MB)

Date of modification:  2016.12.21
