Fund­ing com­pe­ti­tion Ga­ia-X

The Gaia-X project: a secure and connected European data infrastructure for more digital sovereignty and innovation. The Bundesnetzagentur has been tasked with the specialist and administrative organisation of the funding competition for innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the Gaia-X ecosystem

Representatives from industry, science and the public sector are working together, within the framework of Gaia-X and with the support of policymakers and in cooperation with other European partners, to develop a design proposal for the next generation of a federated European data infrastructure. Further information from the BMWK – The Gaia-X Ecosystem

Prevailing data silos, a lack of standards or limited transparency in the data infrastructures available today pose a significant obstacle for digital applications such as artificial intelligence or they simply represent a cost factor, which prevents the diverse and available know-how in Europe from being sufficiently coordinated and used.

The goal is to create a secure and networked data infrastructure that meets the highest standards of digital sovereignty and promotes innovation. In an open and transparent digital ecosystem, data and services should be made available, collated and shared in an environment of trust.

The Gaia-X funding competition winning proposals

The projects successfully demonstrate the economic viability and usability of digital Gaia-X technologies and applications. In a first round of funding, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action is expected to be awarding a total of around €122mn. A total of 11 projects have until the end of July 2021 to submit an official application for funding to the Bundesnetzagentur. The applications must include a description of the project and a work, financing and exploitation plan.

Presentation of the winning proposals (in German)

The Bundesnetzagentur's role

The BMWK has given responsibility for overseeing and granting the funding to the Bundesnetzagentur.

The Gaia-X funding competition was implemented as follows:
Advising the applicants


Selecting the project proposals


Approving funding applications


Providing support at all stages of the project


Reviewing the success of the projects after completion

Note: Any possible funding is generally subject to the available budgetary funds and political priorities.

The funding competition

The national funding competition from the BMWK promotes innovative digital ecosystems that are based on the Gaia-X architecture. The aim is to develop practical applications, so-called use cases, which highlight the need for Gaia-X as well as its technological and economic benefits.

Cooperation between users and suppliers from industry, science and the public sector should result in flagship projects that develop practical and usable applications. The successful projects will be announced publicly so as to stimulate national and international demand for Gaia ‑X-based data-driven applications and data spaces. At the same time the results are intended to ensure that other interested parties can build upon them. The use cases should have a role model effect for other users and support the transfer of knowledge and technology.

Notice of a funding competition "Innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the digital Gaia-X ecosystem" (pdf / 776 KB) (in German) was published on 15 March 2021 in the Federal Gazette. It provides detailed information on the background to and aims of the funding competition as well as the conditions of participation.

FAQ Gaia-X funding competition (in German)
