ACER: information on data quality
ACER's second letter on REMIT data quality, published on 19 July 2018, is directed at all parties with data reporting obligations under REMIT, in particular Organised Market Places, Market Participants and Registered Reporting Mechanisms. ACER's information is based on submitted transaction and fundamental data, of which it conducts regular assessments of completeness, accuracy and timely submission. In the letter, ACER describes in detail the types of data reporting issues detected, including, for example, not accepted EIC codes. ACER also identified market participants that were registered in CEREMP but for which there was no evidence of data reporting. The objective of the letter is to assist reporting parties to meet their reporting obligations under REMIT. A high level of data quality enables ACER and national regulatory authorities to perform their statutory market monitoring activities on the basis of valid and current data.
The Bundesnetzagentur would like to ask any parties concerned to study ACER's letter with the aim of improving data quality and would also like to take this opportunity to draw attention to the requirement to comply with the Transparency Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 543/2013).
Direct download of letter (PDF)
Overview of all ACER letters
Direct link to ACER's REMIT portal
As at: 26 July 2018