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Service de Régulation du Transport ferroviaire et de l’Exploitation de l’Aéroport de Bruxelles-National, CCN Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 50 boîte 72 1000 Bruxelles
Phone: 0032 2 2 77 45 25
E.Mail: info@regul.be Website: www.regul.be/
Railway Administration Executive Agency 5 Gen. Iosif Gurko Str. 1080 Sofia
Phone: +359 2 9 409 428
E-Mail: iaja@mtitc.government.bg Website: https://www.iaja.bg/en
Jernbanenævnet The Danish Railway Regulatory Body Edvard Thomsens Vej 14 DK-2300 København S
Phone: +45 4178 03 86
E-Mail: info@jernbanenaevnet.dk Website: www.jernbanenaevnet.dk
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen Tulpenfeld 4 53113 Bonn
Phone: 0049 228 14 7101 Fax: 0049 228 14 6713
E-Mail: info@bnetza.de Website: www.bundesnetzagentur.de
Estonian Competition Authority Auna 6 EE-10317 Tallinn
Phone: +372 667 2400
E-Mail: info@konkurentsiamet.ee Website: www.konkurentsiamet.ee/?lang=en
Finnish Rail Regulatory Body P.O.Box 467 Fi-00101 Helsinki, Finland
Phone +358 29 534 5000
E-Mail: kirjaamo@traficom.fi Website: www.saantelyelin.fi/en
Autorité de régulation des transports (ART) 11, place des Cinq Martyrs du Lycée Buffon CS 30054 75675 Paris Cedex
Phone: + 33 (0) 1 58 01 01 10
E-Mail: mcaf@autorite-transports.fr Website: www.autorite-transports.fr
Regulatory Authority for Railways (RAS) 33 Stadiu Street 105 59 Athens
Phone : 0030 210 3860141-142 Fax: 0030 210 3860149
email: info@ras-el.gr Website: https://ras-el.gr/
Office of Rail and Road 25 Cabot Square London E14 4QZ
Phone: 020 7282 2000
E-Mail: contact.cct@orr.gsi.gov.uk Website: www.orr.gov.uk/
Commission for Railway Regulation Temple House, Temple Road, Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland. A94 Y5W5
Phone: +35312068110
E-Mail: info@crr.ie Website: www.crr.ie
Autorità di Regolazione dei Trasporti (ART) Via Nizza 230 10126 Torino
Phone: +39 011.19212.500
E-Mail: art@autorita-trasporti.it Website: http://www.autorita-trasporti.it/
Autoriteti Rregullativ i Hekurudhave Rrustem Statovci 29 10000 Prishtinë, Kosovë|
Phone: +381 38 22 00 40
E-Mail: info@arh-ks.org Website: www.arh-ks.org
Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries Roberta Frangeša Mihanovića 9 10110 Zagreb
Switch-board: Phone: 00385 (0)1 700 70 07 Fax. 00385 (0)1 700 70 70
E-Mail: zeljeznica@hakom.hr Website: www.hakom.hr
Latvian Republic State Railway Administration
2 Riepnieku Street, Riga, LV-1050, Latvia
Phone: 00371 67233225
Fax: 00371 67234105
E-mail: vda@vda.gov.lv Website: www.vda.gov.lv/?id=377&said=377
Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania Mortos Str. 14 LT-03219 Vilnius
Phone: +370 5 210 5633
E-Mail: rrt@rrt.lt Website: www.rrt.lt/en/railways/
Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation 17, rue du Fossé L-1536 Luxembourg Luxembourg
Adresse postale : L-2922 Luxembourg Luxembourg
Phone : 00352 28 228 228 Fax : 00352 28 228 229
E-Mail: Website: www.ilr.public.lu/index.html
Republic of North Macedonia- Railway Regulatory Agency str. Mito Hadzivasilev Jasmin nr. 52/1/4 1000 Skopje
Phone: 00389 2 3220 407 Fax: 00389 2 3220 407
E-Mail: arpz@arpz.mk Website: https://arpz.mk/?lang=en
Authority for Consumer & Markets (ACM) Muzenstraat 41 2511 WB Den Haag PO Box 16326 NL-2500 BH The Hague
Phone: 0031 70 7222 000 Fax: 0031 70 7222 355
E-Mail: Website: www.acm.nl/en/
Statens jernbanetilsyn C.J. Hambros plass 2D 0164 Oslo
Phone: 0047 22 99 59 00
E-Mail: post@sjt.no Website: www.sjt.no/andre-valg/about-the-norwegian-railway-authority/
Schienen-Control GmbH Linke Wienzeile 4/1/6 1060 Wien
Phone: 0043 1 5050707 Fax: 0043 1 5050707 180
E-Mail: office@schienencontrol.gv.at Website: www.schienencontrol.gv.at/
Office of Rail Transport Al. Jerozolimskie 134 02-305 Warszawa
Phone: 0048 22 749 14 00 Fax: 0048 22 749 14 01
Email: utk@utk.gov.pl Website: www.utk.gov.pl/en
Autoridade de Mobilidade e dos Transportes Rua de Santa Apolonia, n.° 53 PT - 1100-468 Lisboa
Phone: 00351 211 025 800
E-Mail: geral@amt-autoridate.pt Website: //www.amt-autoridade.pt/
Consiliul Concurenţei Consiliul de supraveghere din domeniul feroviar
Piaţa Presei Libere, nr. 1, corp D1, Sector 1, Cod Poştal 013701, Bucureşti, Oficiul Poştal 33
Phone: 0040 21 405 44 50 Fax: 0040 21 405 44 47
E-Mail: consiliul.feroviar@consiliulconcurentei.ro Website: www.consiliulferoviar.ro/ro/despre-noi.html
Järnvägsstyrelsens trafikföreskrifter, JTF Jussi Björlings väg 19, Box 267 SE-78121 Borlänge
Phone: 0046 771 503 503 Fax: 0046 243-23 66 77
E-Mail: kontakt@transportstyrelsen.se Website: www.transportstyrelsen.se/en/Railway/
Kommission für den Eisenbahnverkehr RailCom Christoffelgasse 5 3003 Bern
Phone: +41 (0)58 463 13 00
E-Mail: info@railcom.admin.ch Website: www.railcom.admin.ch/de//
Directorate for Railways
ДИРЕКЦИЈА ЗА ЖЕЛЕЗНИЦЕ Немањина 6 11000 Београд
Phone: +381 11 3616 866
E-Mail: kontakt@raildir.gov.rs Website: www.raildir.gov.rs/#
DOPRAVNÝ ÚRAD Transport Authority Letisko M.R. Štefánika 823 05 Bratislava
Phone: 00421 2 50 255 202 Fax: 00421 2 55 568 002
E-Mail: nsat@nsat.sk Website: https://drahy.nsat.sk/en/home/
Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia Stegne 7, POB 418 SI-1001 Ljubljana
Phone: 00386 1 583 63 00 Fax: 00386 1 511 11 01
E-Mail: info.box@akos-rs.si Website: https://www.akos-rs.si/en/
Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) Barquillo 5 ES-28004 Madrid
Phone: 0034 91.432.9600 Fax:
E-Mail: info@cnmc.es Website: https://www.cnmc.es/
The Rail Authority Drážní úřad trida Kpt. Jarose 7 602 00 Brno
Phone: 0042 0 224 229 937 Fax: 0042 0 972 241 831
E-Mail: posta@uohs.gov.cz Website: https://uohs.gov.cz/en/homepage.html
National Transport Authority Department of Railway Regulation Teréz körút 62 H -1066 Budapest
Phone: 0036 1 474 176 Fax:
E-Mail: vasut@nkh.gov.hu Website: https://ehivatal.nkh.gov.hu/index.en.html